Who create, develop and validate our tests?

We have assembled a multi-functional team working on three continents. We have psychologists, engineers, sociologists, programmers, statisticians, researchers and many others.
From Madrid to Medellin and from San Jose to Buenos Aires, we have experts who share their knowledge, each in his specialty.
We proudly present the following videos of our centers creation and validation testing.

For these tests we have banks of questions that are selected using algorithms that allow the presentation of different questionnaires to every applicant, but maintaining a balance in the content so that the results are equivalent according to selected answers
Here we have made a major innovation:
In the same way that an artist paints a landscape, the applicant presents each test scenario, which consists of a smooth road but unforeseen obstacles and jumps to force your attention.
We use a sophisticated algorithm that balances the content of each test way to objectively measure the responses of the applicant.
The collective results that are obtained are permanently analyzed with statistical programs and deviations are extracted. This methodology allows not only VALIDATE Tests, but something much more important: CALIBRATE Tests.
Our platform is an open platform, allowing us to continuously incorporate the suggestions and improvements to our User Community contribution and is pre-filtered and approved by our experts.
That is PruebasDISC will evolve and continually improving.
Check the “Our Community” section to find out how you can contribute to our project.
How questionnaires are generated?
Questionnaires are generated based on the selection of the Behavioral Factors that appear when you set the PruebaDISC.
If each test is unique, as consistency and comparability ensured?
The questions are derived from a database which has been carefully weighted (by previous qualitative validations) equivalence in both understanding and measurement factors.
Why there is a time limit for the test?
It is considered that by not setting a time limit, the applicant is allowed to answer more naturally and have the time to understand and analyze each question.
Why use so many psychologists?
To give wealth and breadth of evidence. Each psychologist validated the contributions of other psychologists of different countries without knowing their identity.
What kinds of validations are done?
Three types of validations are performed:
1.Qualitative Validation.
It is done through group sessions before and after creating questionnaires to measure the validity of both the questions and the correspondence with the results generated by each selection
2. User Validation
The user performs two types of validations from your Control Panel:
A. Predictive Validation:
Is to administer the test to an applicant before selecting a place to work. Three months should make a comparison between the performance and that is generating the expected performance derived from the result in the test.
B. Concurrent Validation:
Is to administer the test to an applicant who already working in the company, making a comparison between the performance and that is generating the expected performance according to the result obtained in the test
3.Pearson Correlation.
As reports are being processed feeds a database which is then processed by applying the Pearson correlation to control the correspondence between expected and actual results. Tests are continuously calibrated to make these correlations will become more accurate
Have questions about our services, tests or just want to say hi?

What does it mean when the graphs of Natural and Adapted Style leave very different?
It means that the applicant must make an effort to adapt your natural style to match the style required by the environment to which it is applied.
This can generate stress to the individual. But not always given and when it is presented in different degrees of intensity.
Some people have a greater capacity to adapt than others. Therefore one cannot automatically infer that the difference between the two styles has a direct relationship to the applicant stress correlation.

Against what standards the results compare?
As William Moulton Marston says in the first paragraph of his famous book "Emotions of Normal People":
"Are you a normal person? Probably ..."
It is considered that each person is unique, so each report is processed individually.